
حصاد نشاط وزارة السياحة والآثار في أسبوع من 21 إلى 27 سبتمبر

Sherif Fathi, Minister of Tourism, met with thirty Egyptian ambassadors and consul generals before assuming their duties to represent Egypt abroad, where he appreciated their effective role in tourism and antiquities files in addition to their political roles, as well as for promoting tourism in Egypt, which contributes to highlighting Egypt’s efforts to develop its tourism industry.

The Minister also reviewed the features of the Ministry’s strategy, including highlighting the Egyptian tourist destination as the first destination in the world in terms of the diversity of tourism types and products, and attracting more tourism investment opportunities to Egypt. He also spoke about the issue of digital transformation, preserving the environment, and achieving sustainability in the tourism and antiquities sector.

During the meeting, it was agreed that the Ministry would prepare a complete file on each country in the world to be distributed to the ambassadors, to include all tourist and archaeological information about these countries, including the numbers of tourists arriving from them, the size of the tourist numbers targeted from them, and the most important tourist and archaeological protocols between them and Egypt.

The Minister and the Swedish Ambassador to Cairo discuss visions and ideas to strengthen cooperation frameworks

The Minister met with the Swedish Ambassador in Cairo, to discuss visions and ideas to strengthen the frameworks of bilateral cooperation between the two countries in the field of tourism and antiquities, to push more incoming tourist traffic from Sweden to Egypt, and to promote tourism to the Egyptian destination in Sweden by organizing promotional campaigns and introductory trips for media representatives, influencers and bloggers in Sweden to Egypt.

The meeting also discussed cooperation mechanisms between the two countries in the field of archaeological work, including the possibility of organizing a number of temporary archaeological exhibitions of Egyptian antiquities in Sweden.

The Minister and the Cambodian Ambassador in Cairo discuss developing cooperation relations between the two countries

The Minister met with the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Cambodia in Cairo, to discuss ways to develop tourism and archaeological cooperation relations between the two countries, where aspects of cooperation between the two countries were emphasized, mutual visits were encouraged, and meetings were held between their officials, tourism companies and tour operators.

The possibility of signing memorandums of understanding between the two countries in the field of tourism and antiquities was also discussed, which would contribute to the development of tourism and archaeological relations between the two countries.

The Minister’s meeting with one of the international companies in the field of cruise ships

The Minister held a meeting with the Chinese company Chongqing Gaund Holding Group, one of the major leading companies in the field of building, operating, managing and promoting river and sea cruise ships globally, where enhancing joint cooperation was discussed, and investment opportunities available in the field of Nile tourism and the establishment of floating Nile hotels were discussed.

Facilitating charter flights from China to Egypt was also discussed, especially to Egyptian beach cities overlooking the Red Sea coast for Chinese tourists who wish to visit Egyptian beaches.

The Minister receives the Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors of Abdulaziz bin Ibrahim Al Ibrahim Investment Group

The Minister received the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Abdulaziz bin Ibrahim Al Ibrahim Investment Group in Saudi Arabia, where they reviewed and discussed ways to increase the group’s investment opportunities in Egypt, especially hotels, and to enhance aspects of joint cooperation with brothers in Saudi Arabia, especially in light of the close relations between the two countries.

The Minister also reviewed the most prominent details of the financing initiatives proposed by the Egyptian state during the past period to encourage and attract more tourism investments and work to provide more facilities and incentives in this regard.

The Minister chairs the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Grand Egyptian Museum Authority

The Minister chaired the first meeting of the Board of Directors of the Grand Egyptian Museum Authority since assuming his duties, where the financial and executive position of the museum’s engineering works was reviewed, and the completion of all work in the museum and its main exhibition halls was noted, and the museum’s readiness to receive Egyptian and foreign visitors and tourists.

The results of the Council of Ministers meetings were also briefed on following up on the executive position of the works in the museum and the surrounding area, and presenting and discussing developments in the operation of the museum’s services, while taking note of the developments in the implementation of the contract with the services operating company.

The Minister chairs the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Civilization Museum Authority

The Minister chaired the first meeting of the Board of Directors of the National Museum of Egyptian Civilization since he assumed his duties, where mechanisms were discussed to promote further promotion of the museum, especially the Royal Mummies Hall, and to attract more tourist traffic to it. A proposal to create packages for the visit that includes a visit to the museum and some… Other sites.

A brief review was made of the museum’s performance, the percentage of revenues, the number of Egyptian and foreign visitors, the most prominent cultural, artistic, scientific and heritage events and activities, and the temporary archaeological exhibitions organized and hosted by the museum during the past period.

The Minister meets with ETI Group officials to discuss increasing tourist traffic to Egypt

The Minister held a meeting with the CEO of the ETI Group and the Director of the Group’s Administration in Germany, to discuss enhancing cooperation to push the tourist movement coming to Egypt from Eastern European countries, Germany and Austria during the coming period, and to review the volume of the Group’s business in Egypt, and what it is undertaking in establishing new hotel facilities.

The group’s officials expressed their desire to expand the volume of their business in Egypt, especially in light of the increasing demand for the Egyptian tourist destination from the tourist markets in which they operate during the upcoming winter tourist season, stressing the importance of promoting the beach tourism product further, especially in the German market during this period.

The Minister witnesses the launch of a new tourism development company to develop services at some points of the Holy Family Trail

The Minister witnessed the launch ceremony of the establishment of the “Al-Masar” Tourism Development Company, which will participate in developing services at some points on the Holy Family’s itinerary in Egypt.

During his speech, the Minister pointed out that the product of the Holy Family’s itinerary in Egypt is considered one of the distinctive products of the Egyptian tourist destination, and the combined efforts of the state and civil society to develop an integrated action plan to develop this tourism product, by preparing an integrated action plan to develop it.

On the sidelines of the event, a documentary film was shown about the path of the Holy Family’s journey in Egypt, the points it includes, and the restoration and development work that took place at some priority points.

The Deputy Minister’s participation in the conference announcing the “Arab-African Investment and International Cooperation” Summit

On behalf of the Minister, the Deputy Minister participated in the press conference to announce the “Arab-African Investment and International Cooperation” Summit at its 27th session in Aswan next November, under the slogan “Economic ties… Tourism… Industry… Agriculture… Sustainable comprehensive development.”

In her speech, the Deputy Minister indicated that the ministry’s strategy encourages the holding of such events, in order to build bridges of cooperation between countries, learn about available investment opportunities, and exchange visions on important issues. She also announced that the ministry has placed the summit under its literary sponsorship.

The Deputy Minister witnesses the opening of the International Forum for the Arts of People with Special Abilities

The Deputy Minister witnessed the launch of the opening ceremony of the 8th session of the International Forum for the Arts of People with Special Abilities (Our Children) in conjunction with the Afro-Chinese Arts and Folklore Festival, whose activities are held under the slogan “Tomorrow is better for us”, from 20 to 27 September this year.

The Deputy Minister pointed out the Ministry’s keenness, since the launch of the forum in its first session, to sponsor and provide various means of support for it, out of belief in the role of the arts as soft powers. She also participated in honoring a group of people with special abilities and influential figures in the field of humanitarian work.

The Deputy Minister participated in the traditional Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival celebration

On behalf of the Minister, the Deputy Minister participated in the cultural and tourism promotion ceremony organized on the occasion of the celebration of the traditional Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival entitled “Qingdao Mid-Autumn Night.”

The cooperation between the two countries in the field of tourism and antiquities, and mechanisms to increase the number of tourists arriving there, were emphasized. The Deputy Minister also participated in inspecting the photographic exhibition that was organized on the sidelines of the ceremony to promote tourism and culture in the city of Qingdao.

During the ceremony, a short promotional film was shown about tourism and culture in Qingdao, and the ceremony witnessed a theatrical arts show, and some performances of Chinese folklore arts.

The Deputy Minister’s participation in the opening ceremony of the Eastern Arabian Horse Festival in its 28th session

On behalf of the Minister, the Deputy Minister participated in the opening ceremony of the activities of the Sharqiya Arabian Horse Festival in its 28th session in Sharqiya, from September 25 to 27, under the auspices of the Ministries of Tourism and Antiquities, and Youth and Sports, and in light of the celebration of the governorate’s National Day and coinciding with World Tourism Day.

In her speech, the Deputy Minister indicated the Ministry’s keenness to sponsor and provide support for this festival and participate in attending its activities. She explained that the festival opens a window on local heritage and culture, in line with the diversification of the Egyptian tourism product.

The Ministry supervises the elections for the Board of Directors of the Egyptian Car and Touring Club

The Deputy Minister followed up on the progress and regularity of the elections for the Egyptian Automobile and Touring Club Board of Directors for the 2024/2028 session, which is supervised by the Ministry. She also stressed that the coming period will witness more cooperation between the Ministry and the Egyptian Automobile and Touring Club, especially for tourism promotion of the Egyptian tourist destination.

A committee has been formed from the Ministry to supervise all stages of the electoral process, review nomination procedures and register names, verify the completion of a quorum, as well as the voting process, then count the votes and announce the results, in accordance with the club’s bylaws.

A temporary exhibition on masterpieces of Islamic art at the Museum of Civilization

The National Museum of Egyptian Civilization organized a temporary archaeological exhibition in the Egyptian Textile Hall, on masterpieces of Islamic art, as part of the activities held by the museum throughout the month of September on the occasion of the anniversary of the Prophet’s birthday.

The exhibition includes a unique collection of the museum’s archaeological collection, which is presented for the first time to the public to tell the masterpieces of Islamic art through the display of textiles from the interior covering of the Holy Kaaba from the Ottoman era, metal artifacts, wooden fillings, and examples of the art of ceramics and pottery.

Egyptian Identity Day: an artistic cultural evening and a concert at the Museum of Civilization

Under the title “Egyptian Identity Day,” the National Museum of Egyptian Civilization organized an artistic cultural evening and a concert by musician Hani Shenouda, as part of a series of cultural and artistic events organized by the museum, which confirms its role as a cultural edifice, and its role in developing society through the workshops and events it offers.

A discussion session was also held entitled “The Role of Institutions in Supporting and Spreading Awareness about Egyptian Identity,” and the discussion revolved around Egyptian identity, belonging to society, and geographical location, shedding light on Egyptian civilization, Egyptian heritage, and the role of soft powers in protecting Egyptian identity.

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