
الإعلان عن قبول دفعة جديدة بالأكاديمية العسكرية المصرية والكليات العسكرية

الإعلان عن قبول دفعة جديدة بالأكاديمية العسكرية المصرية والكليات العسكرية

General Abdel Majeed Saqr, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Minister of Defense and Military Production, approved the announcement of accepting a new batch at the Egyptian Military Academy, which includes colleges (Military – Naval – Air – Air Defense) and military colleges (Military Technical College – Armed Forces College of Medicine – Military Technological College) from holders of the General Secondary Certificate and Al-Azhar Secondary Certificate and equivalent certificates and holders of the Industrial Secondary Certificate and its equivalent and graduates of public and private universities with higher qualifications “Warriors” batch October 2024. This came during the press conference held by Lieutenant General / Ashraf Salem Zaher, Director of the Egyptian Military Academy and Director of the Coordination Office for Admission to the Academy and Military Colleges, in which he indicated the special conditions for admission as follows:

First, the Military College:

Holders of the General Secondary Certificate, Al-Azhar Certificate, and equivalent certificates in both sections (scientific and literary) are accepted, and the age on 11/1/2024 AD should not exceed 21 years, and the percentage of the total for the scientific section should be 65% or more and for the literary section 70% or more, and the study period is (4) academic years (Gregorian), and the graduate is awarded the degree (Bachelor of Military Sciences – Bachelor of “Economics and Political Science / Computers and Information / Transportation and Logistics Business Management).

Secondly, the Naval College:

Holders of a General Secondary Certificate, Al-Azhar Certificate, and equivalent scientific certificates from (the scientific section) are accepted, and the age on 11/1/2024 AD should not exceed 21 years, and the percentage of the total should be 65% or more, and the student should be completely proficient in swimming, and the duration of study is (4) academic years (Gregorian), and the graduate is awarded the degree (Bachelor of Military Sciences and Naval Sciences – Bachelor of Political Science).

Thirdly, the Air College:

Holders of the General Secondary Certificate, Al-Azhar Certificate and equivalent certificates in both sections (scientific and literary) are accepted, and the age on 11/1/2024 AD should not exceed 21 years, and the percentage of the total for the scientific section should be 60% or more and for the literary section 65% or more, and the study period is (4) academic years (Gregorian), and the graduate is granted the aviation specialization for the scientific/literary section (Bachelor of Aviation and Military Air Sciences and Aviation Badge – Bachelor of Computers and Information in Aviation Information Systems “Scientific Section” – Bachelor of Commerce, Business Administration Department in Aviation and Airports Management “Literary Section” – Commercial Pilot Certificate and Commercial Pilot License “Internationally Accredited”), and the graduate is granted the military air sciences specialization for the scientific section (Bachelor of Military Air Sciences and Military Air Sciences Badge – Bachelor of Computers and Information in Aviation Information Systems – Airport Control Basics Certificate “accredited Internationally

Fourth: Air Defense College:

Only holders of the General Secondary Certificate, Science Section (Mathematics Division), and holders of the Al-Azhar Secondary Certificate and equivalent certificates from the Science Section are accepted, provided that the student has obtained 70% or more in the subjects (Physics and Mathematics), and that the age does not exceed 21 years on 11/1/2024 AD, and that the percentage of the total is 70% or more, and the study period is (4) academic years (Gregorian), and the graduate is granted [ بكالوريوس العلوم العسكرية للدفاع الجوى – بكالوريوس الهندسة فى أحد تخصصات هندسة (الإتصالات/ الحاسبات / الميكاترونيكس) ] By credit hour system.

Fifth: Military Technical College:

Only holders of the General Secondary Certificate, Science Section (Mathematics Division) are accepted / as well as holders of the Al-Azhar Secondary Certificate (Science) and equivalent certificates from the Science Section, the age on 11/1/2024 shall not exceed 21 years, and the percentage of the total shall be 75% or more, provided that the student obtains 75% or more in the subjects (Physics and Mathematics), and the duration of study shall be (5) academic years (Gregorian), and the graduate shall be awarded a Bachelor of Engineering (with its specializations) and a certificate of completion of military studies.

Sixth: Armed Forces College of Medicine:

Only holders of the General Secondary Certificate, Science Section (Science Division) and holders of the Al-Azhar Secondary Certificate and equivalent certificates from the Science Section are accepted, and the age on 11/1/2024 AD should not exceed 21 years, and the percentage of the total should be 87% or more, and the study period is (5) academic years (Gregorian) in addition to (2) years of internship, and the graduate is granted a Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery and a certificate of completion of military studies in addition to a certificate of completion of the internship period and a license to practice the profession “after successfully completing the two years of internship.”

Seventh: Military Technological College:

It accepts holders of the General Secondary Certificate and Al-Azhar Certificate (Scientific Section), and it accepts holders of the Industrial Secondary Certificate (Three and Five Year System as regular students), and the specializations are affiliated with the departments.

(Mechanical/Electrical), and holders of a certificate from the Intermediate Technological College affiliated with the Integrated Technological Complex in Salam only/Ministry of Military Production are accepted, according to the conditions, specializations and departments accepted by the college.

Students enrolled in studies higher than the above-mentioned degrees are accepted (Faculties of Engineering /

Technological universities / industrial education colleges / higher industrial technical institutes)

Affiliated to the Ministry of Higher Education and the Supreme Council of Universities, provided that these studies are beneficial to their studies, and it is necessary to meet the age requirement.

The age on 11/1/2024 AD shall not exceed (21) years for students who have obtained a secondary school certificate (general/Azhar/industrial three-year), and (22) years for students who have obtained a five-year industrial secondary school certificate, and those who have obtained an intermediate technological college registered in higher studies.

The percentage of the total secondary school and its equivalent must be 60% or more, and the industrial secondary school must be 80% or more. The duration of study is (4) academic years (Gregorian). The graduate is awarded a professional bachelor’s degree in technology, each in his specialization, and a certificate of completion of military studies.

Special conditions and specializations required for holders of higher qualifications to work as combat officers

First, the Military College:

Required specializations:

Physical Education – Commerce – Law – Agriculture – Media and Journalism – Economics and Political Science – College of Social Service – Languages ​​”English / Hebrew / Russian / French / Chinese” from the colleges of “Arts – Education – Languages ​​- Languages ​​and Translation” – Arts “Media – Psychology – Sociology” and the College of Applied Health Sciences Technology.

Qualification requirements:

Evaluation: Good or higher, and the age upon joining should not exceed (24) years on 11/1/2024 AD, and the applicant should have obtained a university degree in 2024 or 2023 only, and the duration of study at the Military College should be (2) academic years (Gregorian).

Second: Naval College

Required specializations:

Engineering specializations: Computer / Power Electricity / Power Mechanics / Communications and Electronics / Mechatronics / Marine Engineering (Shipbuilding) graduates of the Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport only / Applied Engineering Nanotechnology.

Conditions for engineering qualifications:

Evaluation: Acceptable or higher, to have obtained a university degree in 2024 or 2023 only, and the age upon joining must not exceed (25 years) on 11/1/2024 AD, and the duration of study at the Naval College must be (2) academic years (Gregorian).

Mixed majors: College of Science, major (Physics / Computers / Chemistry / Astronomy / Meteorology / Space / Mathematics / Marine) and College of Computers and Information.

Qualification requirements (mixed majors):

Evaluation: Good or higher, and must have obtained a university degree in 2024 or 2023 only, and must not be more than (24 years) old upon enrollment on 11/1/2024 AD, and the duration of study at the Naval College is (2) academic years (Gregorian).

Third: Air Defense College

Required specializations: Engineering specializations (computer and systems / communications and electronics / mechatronics).

Qualification requirements:

Evaluation: Acceptable or higher, and must have obtained a university degree in 2024 or 2023 only, and must not be more than (25 years) old upon enrollment on 11/1/2024 AD, and the duration of study at the Air Defense College is (2) academic years (Gregorian).

Application procedures for joining the military academy and colleges:

The registration of initial data will begin on the official website of the Coordination Office for Admission to the Military Academy and Colleges on the Internet (www.tansiq.mod.gov.eg) starting from Thursday corresponding to

07/18/2024 until Sunday 09/15/2024. The date of attendance to withdraw the file will be determined electronically, as registration will be opened on the website according to the following:

High school and diploma graduates of 2023 AD starting from 7/18 until 8/11/2024, and holders of higher qualifications “warriors” starting from 7/18 until 9/15/2024, and high school and diploma graduates of 2024 starting from 8/12 until 9/15/2024. Registration will be opened on the website after the appearance of the high school results within (72) hours, and registration will be made available for high school students (second round) on the coordination website for military colleges and institutes after the appearance of the second round results within (72) hours.

The files will be withdrawn from the Coordination Office at the Military College headquarters in Heliopolis starting from Saturday 07/27/2024 AD until Thursday 09/19/2024 AD, taking into account the withdrawal timing for students who obtained their secondary school certificate in 2023 or 2024. The personality traits and mental abilities test will be conducted on the same day of withdrawing the file, and the result will be corrected and approved, then a text message will be sent to those who passed and failed as well.

General terms and conditions of admission

The student must be of Egyptian nationality and have two parents and grandparents who hold this nationality (other than through naturalization/and neither the student nor his parents have acquired other nationalities), and the student must have a certificate (general secondary school or its equivalent / industrial secondary school certificate, three- and five-year system / university qualification) provided that the year of obtaining the qualification is during the years 2024 and 2023, and the student must be enrolled in one of the Egyptian universities or institutes in the event of obtaining the general secondary school qualification or its equivalent in 2023, and he must not have been previously sentenced to a criminal penalty or a crime that violates honor, and the student must be of good conduct, and the student must be unmarried and has never been married and pledges not to marry throughout his study period at the college, and the student must not have resigned or been disciplinary dismissed from any (college – institute – school) military / civilian, and the student must not have been exempted from military service due to medical unfitness, and the height must not be less than (170 cm) for all military colleges except the Air College, which is permitted up to ( 158 cm) as a minimum, and the student must be medically fit according to the medical fitness conditions set by the General Medical Council of the Armed Forces. The student may not be re-medically examined in the same batch during the year in the event of his medical unfitness. The student must successfully pass the physical fitness tests and this test may not be repeated in the same batch during the year in the event of his failure to pass the test. The student must successfully perform the confidence jump test in the swimming pool from a height of (7.5 meters) / without hesitation and the first time in a time not exceeding three seconds from the issuance of the order to jump. The student must pass the following tests: (various psychological tests – general information test – preferential test “English language – computer – mathematics – physics – chemistry – biology” according to the college nominated for – advanced medical tests which include “advanced specialized analyses” – personal test and physical examination “according to the evaluation of the examination committee), and it is calculated Total for Al-Azhar secondary school and foreign certificates after equivalence of the total.

The student must submit written pledges that include full commitment to the application conditions, with emphasis on the fact that the documents/data included in the acceptance papers on the basis of which the student was accepted are correct throughout the period of the student’s presence in the college, and that the student has obtained the qualification from government/private universities only and not (higher institutes or academies), and the student who has obtained the qualification from government/private universities is obligated to sign the declaration in the file that includes treating the student with the military academic degree he obtained and not the university qualification, and reserve officers and members of the armed forces in service are allowed to apply with the same conditions and controls, and proficiency in swimming is required as a basic condition for the Naval College tests.

A statement of the documents that need to be prepared and the place where they can be obtained is available on the official website of the Coordination Office for Admission to the Military Academy and Colleges on the Internet (www.tansiq.mod.gov.eg). The student and his guardian must strive to obtain these papers from now, as obtaining them takes a long time, which leads to delaying the admission procedures.

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